Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Up to speed

Now i'm all caught up with my blog (except for yesterday but i'll get to that now). This week it's back to work for me. I love it here!! right now all but one of the men are out of the office so its a really nice gossipy, chocolate eating environment :) yesterday was the first day since i've been here that i didn't spend all day designing, instead i got to spend the morning rifling through a big box of fabric :) :) :)

Also i feel its worth mentioning that i am now the ultimate master of least for the purpose of textiles design........and for anyone who is interested (or maybe also struggling with channels) I was shown yesterday how to save them as JPEG's! yes, i am excited about this, trust me its super useful and quite simple as it turns out :)

Today i'm working on designs for a mix & match range. It's not something i've done before so i'm enjoying the challenge. Its more difficult than I thought coz i'm having to create a set (or sets) of three prints that work as a group but are also appealing when they stand alone. I've just had Chiara's seal of approval for the first one so i must be doing something right :) 

It would seem that my learning for the day doesn't stop there, no no. Today I have also taken my first steps towards learning the value of simplicity. It sounds easy enough but its asking quite a lot of someone who's final year collection looked like this................!!!
Moving on...............I'm hoping to have a nice relaxing evening, possibly watch something stupid online if the internet holds up. Me, Zeffira and Tulay did a big shop yesterday (which reminds me I owe Tulay some euros) so we won't be going hungry tonight! last night we made a big pot of chilli so i'm hoping we won't have to cook at all! Fingers crossed!

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