It's been such a long time since I've written anything here that I feel I owe anyone out there still reading an explanation!
Well I've been busy expanding my horizons! I've found new ways of sharing my work with the world and sadly that has taken me away from this blog (although, I hope you'll be glad to hear, not completely!). I'll still be posting the big, important and possibly life changing things here but for moment to moment 'hey look at this funny picture of a cat' updates you can find me on Tumblr (I promise to keep pictures of cats to a minimum unless in the form of cutting edge illustrations).
I have also recently joined the ranks of Fine Art America and have installed a handy slideshow to the left of this can look for it, I'll right?! So that's another place that you'll be able to purchase my work, or just look at it...maybe share it a little, that's helpful too :)
Now this wouldn't be a very good come back post (yes that is what this is) if I didn't have some new products to share with you! So to start things off here is the latest line of products from DENY Designs
I thought I was into the quatrefoil myself but I think I'm starting to lean towards the baroque. Any thought? By all means comment away!
If you would like to view all designs available in this range please click here.
I've also been hard at work putting together some snazzy new iPhone & laptop cases which can be found here. Here's a little taster to rouse your interest...
From top left: Ombre Damask iPhone case
There are many other products adorned with these designs to choose from including a rather dashing pillow (even if I do say so myself). If you are interested in purchasing any of these items please follow the links above.
I have a few more things up my sleeve for the coming months so I'll do my best not to be too illusive. In the meantime don't forget to check for updates on Facebook and Tumblr.
Ciao for now! x